
Hello! My name is Emma, this is my first blog. I wanted to set up a blog because I love writing, particularly writing descriptions of scenic places and emotions and because I would like some honest opinions that I may not be able to get from my family!I still really can't believe that people would want to read my work but it makes me so happy! I would really like some comments and feedback as I have no idea how I'm doing but please be kind :) x

P.S I am hoping to add more descriptions every week so look out for them! If you'd like anything described don't hesitate to leave a comment and I will try the best that I can!

Feel free to comment and subscribe :) x

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

An Idea 1

I think one day I would like to write a book like the secret garden, but instead with a forest.. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that a forest is a really mystical place, I think it has to do with the colour green and the mood lighting, and the way the sun can filter through the leaves making everything green! Also, when you look at the leaves none of them are exactly the same shade!

All that there was, was thick forest. She was standing on a rough track, carved out basically on the floor, it looked like it had been tracked many times, but it seemed hard to think that anyone had been here, it was so alien. The whole forest was a swirl of brown and green, the green coated every bark and every leaf, it was vibrant, as if the colour had come to life by itself. The little light that filtered through was also tinged with green, even the light itself seemed to breathe into the forest. If she squinted, she could just about see the white caps of the mountains peeping overhead. It was in that moment she knew she was standing somewhere magical.

Thanks for reading, comments and constructive critism welcome :) x

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  1. Please do feel free to comment, I really would like some feedback :) x

  2. Really good, keep it up!

  3. Thank you, I really appreciate it! :) x
